Since its foundation in 2017, Autrement PR collaborated with many fashion labels, magazines, talents and institutions. The agency's thrive is owed to an eclectic network acquired by its founder throughout more than 20 years of experience in fashion public relations.
Autrement PR finds its purpose in thinking out of the box. Within a very competitive industry; institutional press features and traditional communication strategies are not sufficient anymore.
Working in the manner of a curator, the platform embraces a holistic approach to gather creatives and design made-to-measure projects.
That's the reason why the agency supports creative minds, always thinking autrement. "Autrement" being the french word for "Differently".
"We like to compare ourselves to mentors, driven by creativity. Scouting new talents, fostering their uniqueness while bringing them awareness of the industry challenges. Leading them to inspire.” Stephanie Veuriot - founder of Autrement PR